
作者:admin 时间:2017-03-21 点击数:



















中国毒理学会环境与生态毒理学专业委员会第三届 委员

北京生态修复学会 水生态修复专业委员会委员

中国自然资源学会 资源循环利用专业委员会 委员

北京师范大学 博士生导师

同济大学 博士生导师








1、 环境与健康工作项目,877万元,2020.1-2020.12,主持

2、 第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究子任务,2019QZKK0608,青藏高原人类生存环境改善与安全保障对策,89.27万,2019.11-2022.10,主持

3、 水专项课题(2017ZX07302-001),流域水生态环境监测技术集成研究,1668.75万(配套3300万),2017-2020年,主持

4、 国家自然科学基金面上项目(41673120),非法药物在城市水链中的来源,污染过程及归趋,71万,2017.1-2020.12,主持

5、 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务专项课题(2016YSKY-030),北京城市水体中精神活性物质的分布特征和污水流行病学研究,30万,2016-2017,主持


1、 徐建,金小伟,王德高,付强,侯嵩,郭昌胜,闫振广,吕佳佩,袁懋,刘娜,水环境中新型有机污染物监测及风险评估关键技术研究与应用,2020年中国分析测试技术协会CAIA奖,一等奖,(1/10


1、 Yan Xu#, Houyu Li#, Rongguang Shi, Jiapei Lv, Bihan Li, Fengxia Yang, Xiangqun Zheng, Jian Xu*, Antibiotic resistance genes in different animal manures and their derived organic fertilizer, Environmental Sciences Europe, 2020, 32:102

2、 Heng Zhang, Changsheng Guo, Jiapei Lv, Song Hou, Yan Zhang, Jianfeng Gao, Jian Xu*, Aqueous chlorination of ephedrine: kinetics, reaction mechanism and toxicity assessment, Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 740: 140146

3、 Yanghui Deng, Changsheng Guo, Heng Zhang, Xingxing Yin, Like Chen, Daishe Wu, Jian Xu*, Occurrence and removal of illicit drugs in different wastewater treatment plants with different treatment techniques, Environmental Sciences Europe, 2020, 32:28

4、 Miao Chen, Changsheng Guo, Song Hou, Jiapei Lv, Yan Zhang, Heng Zhang, Jian Xu*, A novel Z-scheme AgBr/P-g-C3N4 heterojunction photocatalyst: Excellent photocatalytic performance and photocatalytic mechanism for ephedrine degradation, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020, 266: 118614

5、 Xingxing Yin, Changsheng Guo, Jiapei Lv, Song Hou, Yan Zhang, Xiaowei Jin, Yanguo Teng, Jian Xu*, Biomimetic accumulation of methamphetamine and its metabolite amphetamine by diffusive gradients in thin films to estimate their bioavailability in zebrafish, Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 2019, 6: 708-713

6、 Jiapei Lv, Changsheng Guo, Shuxuan Liang, Yuan Zhang, Jian Xu*, Partitioning behavior, source identification, and risk assessment of perfluorinated compounds in an industry-influenced river, Environmental Sciences Europe, 2019, 31: 55

7、 Zhineng Hao, Changsheng Guo, Jiapei Lv, Yan Zhang, Yuan Zhang, Jian Xu*, Kinetic and mechanistic study of sulfadimidine photodegradation under simulated sunlight irradiation, Environmental Sciences Europe, 2019, 31: 40

8、 Xingxing Yin, Changsheng Guo, Yanguo Teng, Jian Xu*, Development and application of the analytical method for illicit drugs and metabolites in fish tissues, Chemosphere, 2019, 233: 532-541

9、 Deming Gu, Changsheng Guo, Jiapei Lv, Song Hou, Yan Zhang, Qiyan Feng, Yuan Zhang, Jian Xu*, Removal of methamphetamine by UV-activated persulfate: Kinetics and mechanisms, Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2019, 379: 32-38

10、 Peng Hu, Changsheng Guo, Yan Zhang, Jiapei Lv, Yuan Zhang, Jian Xu*, Occurrence, distribution and risk assessment of abused drugs and their metabolites in a typical urban river in north China, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2019, 13(4): 56

11、 Changsheng Guo, Miao Chen, Linlin Wu, Yingying Pei, Chunhua Hu, Yuan Zhang, Jian Xu*, Nanocomposites of Ag3PO4 and phosphorus-doped graphitic carbon nitride for ketamine removal, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2019, 2: 2817-2829

12、 Deming Gu, Changsheng Guo, Song Hou, Jiapei Lv, Yan Zhang, Qiyan Feng, Yuan Zhang, Jian Xu*, Kinetic and mechanistic investigation on the decomposition of ketamine by UV-254 nm activated persulfate, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 370: 19-26

13、 Miao Chen, Changsheng Guo, Song Hou, Linlin Wu, Jiapei Lv, Chunhua Hu*, Yuan Zhang, Jian Xu*, In-situ fabrication of Ag/P-g-C3N4 composites with enhanced photocatalytic activity for sulfamethoxazole degradation, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 366: 219-228

14、 Linxuan Li, Changsheng Guo, Shisuo Fan, Jiapei Lv, Yan Zhang, Yan Xu*, Jian Xu, Dynamic transport of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes under different treatment processes in a typical pharmaceutical wastewater treatment plant, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25: 30191-30198

15、 Pengyuan Wang, Changsheng Guo, Song Hou, Xin Zhao, Linlin Wu, Yingying Pei, Yuan Zhang, Jianfeng Gao*, Jian Xu*, Template-free synthesis of bubble-like phosphorus-doped carbon nitride with enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activity, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 769: 503-511

16、 Yan Xu, Changsheng Guo, Jiapei Lv, Song Hou, Yi Luo, Yuan Zhang, Jian Xu*, Spatiotemporal profile of tetracycline and sulfonamide and their resistance on a catchment scale, Environmental Pollution, 2018, 241: 1098-1105

17、 Yan He, Changsheng Guo, Jiapei Lv, Song Hou, Yan Zhang, Yuan Zhang, Jian Xu*, Predicting trace metal bioavailability to chironomids in sediments by diffusive gradients in thin films, Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 636: 134-141

18、 Yan Zhang, Tingting Zhang, Changsheng Guo, Song Hou, Zhendong Hua*, Jiapei Lv, Yuan Zhang, Jian Xu*, Development and application of the diffusive gradients in thin films technique for simultaneous measurement of methcathinone and ephedrine in surface river water, Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 618: 284-290

19、 Jiao Xu, Guo-Liang Shi, Chang-Sheng Guo, Haiting Wang, Ying-Ze Tian, Yanqi Huangfu, Yuan Zhang, Yin-Chang Feng*, Jian Xu*, A new method to quantify the health risks from sources of perfluoroalkyl substances, combined with positive matrix factorization and risk assessment models, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2018, 37(1): 107-115

20、 Changsheng Guo, Tingting Zhang, Song Hou, Jiapei Lv, Yuan Zhang, Fengchang Wu, Zhendong Hua*, Wei Meng, Hao Zhang, Jian Xu*, Investigation and application of a new passive sampling technique for in situ monitoring of illicit drugs in waste waters and rivers, Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51: 9101-9108

21、 Shengwang Gao#, Changsheng Guo#, Song Hou, Li Wan, Qiang Wang, Jiapei Lv, Yuan Zhang, Jianfeng Gao, Wei Meng, Jian Xu*, Photocatalytic removal of tetrabromobisphenol A by magnetically separable flower-like BiOBr/BiOI/Fe3O4 hybrid nanocomposites under visible-light irradiation, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017, 331: 1-12 (ESI高被引论文)

22、 Yan Zhang, Tingting Zhang, Changsheng Guo, Jiapei Lv, Zhendong Hua*, Song Hou, Yuan Zhang, Wei Meng, Jian Xu*, Drugs of abuse and their metabolites in the urban rivers of Beijing, China: Occurrence, distribution, and potential environmental risk, Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 579: 305-313

23、 Shengwang Gao#, Changsheng Guo#, Jiapei Lv, Qiang Wang, Yuan Zhang, Song Hou, Jianfeng Gao, Jian Xu*, A novel 3D hollow magnetic Fe3O4/BiOI heterojunction with enhanced photocatalytic performance for bisphenol A degradation, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 307: 1055-1065 (ESI高被引论文)

24、 Changsheng Guo, Kai Wang, Song Hou, Li Wan, Jiapei Lv, Yuan Zhang, Xiaodong Qu, Shuyi Chen, Jian Xu*, H2O2 and/or TiO2 photocatalysis under UV irradiation for the removal of antibiotic resistant bacteria and their antibiotic resistance genes, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017, 323: 710-718

25、 Changsheng Guo, Shengwang Gao, Jiapei Lv, Song Hou, Yuan Zhang, Jian Xu*, Assessing the photocatalytic transformation of norfloxacin by BiOBr/iron oxides hybrid photocatalyst: Kinetics, intermediates, and influencing factors, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2017, 205: 68-77 (ESI高被引论文)

26、 谷得明,郭昌胜,冯启言,张远,徐建*,精神活性物质在北京市某污水处理厂中的污染特征与生态风险,环境科学研究,2020333):659-667

27、 邓洋慧,郭昌胜,殷行行,裴莹莹,陈力可,金小伟,吴代赦*,徐建*,太湖入湖河流中精神活性物质污染特征与生态风险,生态毒理学报,2020,151):119-130

28、 陈力可,郭昌胜,刘淼,徐建*,磁铁矿纳米颗粒与Pb2+复合物对大鼠肾细胞的毒性研究,生态毒理学报

29、 殷行行,郭昌胜,邓洋慧,王玮敏,袁汉成,孙文军,徐建*,在线固相萃取-超高效液相色谱/串联质谱法测定水中的11种精神活性物质,环境化学,2019,38(12):2883-2888

30、 谷得明,郭昌胜,冯启言*,张远,徐建*,基于硫酸根自由基的高级氧化技术及其在环境治理中的应用,环境化学,20183711):2489-2508

31、 徐建*,胡鹏,吕佳佩,郭昌胜,水环境中抗生素和抗性基因污染特征及控制措施,科技导报,2018, 36(15): 13-23

32、 胡鹏,张艳,郭昌胜,徐建*,水环境中滥用药物的环境学研究进展,环境化学,2017368):1711-1723

33、 张艳,张婷婷,陈卫平,郭昌胜,花镇东*,张远,徐建*,北京市水环境中精神活性物质污染特征,环境科学, 2017387):2819-2827


1、 徐建,张远,邱会芸,郭昌胜,贺艳,一种多形貌可控纳米钴酸镍的制备方法,专利号:ZL201410273050.7,授权日期:2015610日,发明专利

2、 郭昌胜,徐建,张远,王凯,吕佳佩,一种树皮,树叶中全氟化合物提取及测定方法, ZL201410444656.2,授权日期:2017215日,发明专利







